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Congressman Jamie Raskin

During the summer of 2016, I served as an intern for Maryland State Congressman Jamie Raskin (D) in his successful campaign for US Congress.  Almost a quarter of the residents in District 8 are foreign born, and Congressman Raskin has been a strong voice of support for immigrant rights --as well as women's rights-- both at the state and national levels.  In honor of his support, I presented Congressman Raskin with my sculpture, "Mama with Baby in Kanga" and it is currently on display in his congressional office. 

This sculpture was made from two separate stoneware vases that were smashed together before being fired.  Instead of using glaze, I used oxide washes to evoke a more organic mood.  While in Egypt during December, 2016, I scoured the market places to find the right scarf to be used as the kanga for this piece.

Mama with Baby in Kanga
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